Development update (August 11)

And another commit, which only improves the development infrastructure, this time focused on testing.

./waf test

I removed the bin/runtests script, which collects and runs all tests, and moved that logic into waf, so tests are now run with the command ./waf test. The main benefit is that I'm getting parallel execution almost, but not quite, for free.

The drawbacks are:

But overall the test suite now runs about twice as fast. Some unscientific benchmarks:

command runtime
bin/runtests 15:49
./waf test -j8 7:16
./waf test -j4 8:36
./waf test -j2 13:58
./waf test -j1 26:31
bin/runtests --tags=unit 0:42
./waf test -j8 --tags=unit 0:23
./waf test -j4 --tags=unit 0:30
./waf test -j2 --tags=unit 0:51
./waf test -j1 --tags=unit 1:35

I just used a single run of each command and /usr/bin/time for the measurement.

The overhead is about 2x, so you need two cores just to make of for it. Which means that you're penalized, if you are attempting to do noisicaä development on a single core machine. But I guess using a single core machine (which must be pretty old) isn't much fun anyway these days.

What is interesting is that there is little gained when going from four to eight cores. That's probably because my CPU is a quad-core with 2x hyper-threading, but I haven't looked into that issue any deeper.

Another advantage of running tests in subprocesses is that I can now put a timeout on tests, so if some test hangs, it will eventually fail and I don't have to kill the main process, thus losing the actual test report.

VM Tests

I reanimated the VM tests, which suffered from some bitrot and didn't work anymore. While at it, I switched from virtualbox to qemu for the VM, because qemu is a bit easier to automate.

These tests launch a VM with a minimal installation of the OS (current only Ubuntu 16.04 and 18.04) and then build noisicaä from the sources. This is mostly to verify that all dependencies are correctly declared and the build instructions work as advertised on a system that isn't my development system.

Once I got the tests working again, they uncovered some bitrot, which caused noisicaä to not work anymore on Ubuntu 16.04 or Python 3.5.


The test suite now runs clang-tidy over C++ source files. I previously cranked up the pickiness of gcc (i.e. -Werror -pedantic), but that meant that compilation would fail for every minor issue. Now building became more "pythonic": C++ source get built, as long as there are no major issues (with all warnings disabled, i.e. -w), and once I want to also have the code "clean" I run clang-tidy over it.

I haven't verified, if the issues that gcc would have detected are all covered by clang-tidy. I'm just assuming that clang-tidy is "good enough". I also have not yet attempted to fine tune clang-tidy and run it with default settings for now.

Upgraded mypy to 0.720

That version specifically has a new option warn_unused_ignores, so I could find and remove overrides, which used to fix false-positives in some previous version of mypy, but were now obsolete and potentially masked some real issues.

Removed all build noise

At least with my setup, all random noise generated during the build steps has been removed.

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